Investigation #3
Yiyang Hu Prof.Robson AP Art 12/17/2019 1. What is the question guiding your art making? How to draw the sense or form of face (light and shadow) with watercolor? 2. How does your artwork reflect your exploration of this question visually? I edited this photo in black and white so that l can see the difference between each layer more clearly.l divided the light and the darkness of my face into three levels. The first is the brightest, the second is the medium and the third is the darkest. I started by a layer with yellow watercolor, once the yellow layer has dried l added the red on it to form a contrast. l also used brown to deepen the shadow around the nose and eyes. 3. How did practice, experimentation, and/or revision play a role in the making of this piece? I practice color toning on another piece of paper so that l can make one color with different shades. Watercolor is easy to leave traces of water, so I need to pay attention to...